Strong start to 2023 for InfiCure Bio

The life science company InfiCure Bio has started the new year in the best way by signing an agreement with a new client in the US.
“It’s all part of a positive trend that started in the autumn of 2022, and which is getting even stronger now that the US market is recovering after the pandemic. This latest agreement is proof of that”, says InfiCure Bio’s CEO, Sofia Mayans.

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UBI hosts life science seminar at Grand Hôtel in Stockholm

Umeå Biotech Incubator (UBI) will represent Umeå’s life science industry as part of the annual ‘Västerbotten på Grand Hôtel i Stockholm’ event being held in January.
“We want to contribute to Umeå’s growth as a life science city by connecting the life science industry with local, regional, and national decision-makers”, says UBI’s CEO Jennie Ekbeck.

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UmanDiagnostics expands to meet demand

UmanDiagnostics is experiencing growing pains and is expanding its current premises in Umeå.
“We have very efficient premises that we are extremely satisfied with, and this expansion will enable us to increase productivity and deliver more products to the market”, says Niklas Norgren, Vice President and Managing Director at UmanDiagnostics.

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InfiCure Bio signs agreement with two major international companies

The Umeå based life science company InfiCure Bio continues to take large steps in the global market by signing agreements with two major international companies.
“The contracts with our new clients clearly show that pharmaceutical companies continue to invest in the development of new drugs for fibrosis, which is extremely promising for InfiCure Bio”, says InfiCure Bio’s CEO, Sofia Mayans.

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Kunskapsportalen sjösatt – gemensam lärplattform ska lyfta svenska life science-innovationer

Svenska inkubatorer och innovationskontor med life science-inriktning har gjort gemensam sak.
Resultatet: Kunskapsportalen – en gemensam utbildningsplattform som både effektiviserar och förenklar kunskapsinhämtandet för forskare, innovatörer och startups inom området i Sverige.
– Det är resursineffektivt i Sverige att varje inkubator och innovationskontor ska ordna sin egen utbildning. På det här sättet får vi synergier och mer pang för pengarna, säger Jennie Ekbeck, styrelseordförande för life science-inkubatorernas förening ALIS och ordförande i projektets styrgrupp.

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UBI launches international incubator program

Umeå Biotech Incubator (UBI) specializes in developing life science business ideas. Now it is looking for more success beyond its borders with the launch of an international incubator program.
“If you strive to be one of the world’s best incubators you must have the whole world as your marketplace”, says Jennie Ekbeck, CEO of UBI.

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New national assignment for Xerum

Xerum will, on behalf of the Public Health Agency, measure the presence of antibodies in the population against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes covid-19 in Sweden.
“We’re delighted that our antibody test is proving useful”, says Julia Wigren Byström, CEO at Xerum.

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Nordic Biomarker kan utses till Årets Exportsuccé

I juni fick Nordic Biomarker motta Årets teknik- och industripris på Umeågalan. Nu kan företaget vinna en ny prestigefylld utmärkelse – som Årets Exportsuccé i Sverige 2022.
– Det är verkligen superhäftigt, säger Rikard Rodén, vd för Nordic Biomarker.

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Umeå company almost quadruples team as new antibody progresses to clinical trials

Umeå-based Lipum will reach an important milestone in its history this year as clinical trials begin on its antibody to treat inflammatory diseases. No less than 17 consultants are now involved in the drug’s development.
“Developing a new drug is complicated, and the process is governed by strict regulations. It is therefore important to build a competent team in and around the company. The number of employees a company has does not always tell the whole story. In reality there are often many more people needed to develop a drug”, says Pernilla Abrahamsson, Chief Operating Officer at Lipum.

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Lyckad arbetsmarknadsdag – lockade över 250 besökare

Den 3 maj arrangerade Umeå Biotech Incubator en arbetsmarknadsdag, där 18 företag deltog.
Över 250 besökare kom och stämningen var god.
– Vi är väldigt nöjda med life science-mässan. Det var väldigt roligt att se så många utställare och besökare som alla var intresserade av life science. Viktigt för branschen – och viktigt för Umeå! säger Malin Walfridsson på Nordic Biomarker.

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UBI organizes life science recruitment day

Umeå Biotech Incubator (UBI) is arranging a recruitment day with life science companies this May – and already 19 companies have signed up to take part.
“We want students to get in touch with us. Recruitment opportunities are everything for life science companies”, says Jennie Ekbeck, CEO of Umeå Biotech Incubator.

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Umeå Biotech Incubator gets EU grant extension

The life science industry in the Umeå region is on track to triple its turnover and double the number of people it employs by 2030. To help it reach this target, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth has awarded Umeå Biotech Incubator (UBI) a grant of SEK 9.5 million.
For the next 18 months, UBI will develop meeting places and create the conditions for the continued growth of the life science industry in northern Sweden.
“We are delighted that our application has been approved! This gives us the opportunity to continue to develop the industry and contribute to the appeal of northern Sweden”, says Jennie Ekbeck, CEO of UBI.

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