During this highly interactive 2-day course, the participants on the one hand get information about key elements and requirements to successfully role out their projects from Proof of Concept to early phase non-clinical development, and on the other hand are invited to apply this information to their ongoing/ anticipated projects.
Welcome to join an interactive and educational two-day course in pre-clinical drug development. This two-day course is open for anyone in the field. We register sign-ups on a first-come first serve basis and there is 25 seats available in total. Representatives from projects and companies associated with Umeå Biotech Incubator has priority.
Date: 10-11 of April
Time: 8.30-17.00 both days
Location: Älgsalen, Uminova Science park, Tvistevägen 48A, Umeå
About the speakers
Ronald Ullers has worked for 10 years in the pharmaceutical industry (Organon (currently MSD) and Sanquin Plasma Products), in the field of regulatory affairs (with focus on Chemistry, Manufacturing & Control of biopharmaceuticals). He is currently working as Senior Consultant Regulatory Affairs at Venn Life Sciences.
Ilonka van Hoof has worked at Organon (currently MSD) for over 10 years in different positions (study director, project toxicologist and multidisciplinary project leader). She is currently the Director of Non-Clinical Development at Venn Life Sciences, and is leading a group of 5 non-clinical experts.
Booking information
By signing up for this seminar, you agree that we may save your personal information linked to this event. The personal data will be saved for a maximum of 10 years to verify your participation in the event of a revision.
Your registration to participate is binding so if you do not attend we will send you an invoice of 800 SEK.
For those of you who are owners of a biotech company or you are employed by a biotech company your participation is a government support (de minimis) of 3 000 SEK/participant. If you do not own any company your participation is not considered as a government support so your participation free.
Last day to apply is the 3rd of April. If you have question contact Pia Keyser at pia.keyser@ubi.se