Conditions change when the world is affected by a pandemic. Suddenly, there is no longer a need to buy from your customers. Many companies then need to adapt their offerings to the new reality in order to still be relevant to their customers.

The question how to do it?

Christian Malmsten has long experience in Business to Business sales. He has worked for many years as a salesman and sales manager and for more than 10 years he has coached startups in need verification and sales. During this seminar, Christian will give you tips on how to create offers that are attractive to your customer. He will also tell you about things he has intercepted in his work to coach startups who quickly needed to reshape their offering to remain relevant to their client.

The seminar is in English if one of the participants so wishes, otherwise it will be in Swedish.


Last day for registration is on the 19th of November at 5pm

Register here

Event information