For over 10 years UBI has arranged an investment day for companies from Västerbotten as part of “Västerbottensdagarna” at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm. This year, for the first time ever, we will move the event back home to Umeå as part of our ongoing mission to strengthen the life science industry in Västerbotten.

Preparation is key!

In order for your company to get the most out of the UBI Investment Day it is important to prepare carefully. You should put together an engaging presentation with any capital requirements and a short written summary (a so-called one-pager) of your company/idea. We’re more than happy to provide feedback on your presentation and any budget you put together.

What you can get help with before the investment day

One of the elements most appreciated by investors is the one-pager about your company – which should contain a presentation of your business (for example details of the founders, board structure etc).
Example of one-pager

You will have an opportunity to get feedback on your presentation before it is presented to investors and potential partners.
Template Slide Deck Investor Meeting

Costs and state aid

You find the information here

Additional information will be provided once you have been accepted.

Important dates

Date Activity
February 28th Last day of registration participating companies
April 1st Last day for cancellation – after which a cancellation fee of SEK 2,500 will apply.
April 1st One-pager for the investors’ notification page must be submitted
April 24-28th Participating companies choose investors for partnering
May 9th The UBI Investment Day

For questions, please contact:

Pia Keyser:, 0046-(0)73-620 51 61