Protest diagnostics offers the next generation of doping tests – rapid and accurate detection of blood doping through a molecular fingerprint. The company provides analytical services for blood, urine, saliva and skeletal muscle tissue. Protest diagnostics also has close collaboration with Waters Ltd.

For how many years have you worked with the incubator team?

“Since 2010, 8 years.”

What happened to your idea in the end?

“We have started a company and now have an investor.”

What did you most appreciate about the incubator environment?

“Customised premises. Start-up companies rarely have the possibility to access larger equipment, so it’s good to be able to share with others.”

What learnings have you taken with you from your journey in the incubator?

“That everything takes more time and costs more money than anybody could have predicted.” It has also been challenging to be able to transform the results of research into a working product.”

What would you say to others wanting to utilise a research idea?

“Do it! But get advice from others (preferably independent persons) who have already been through a similar process. Also remember that having skills within a given field of research is not the same as having the skills to be able to take the research to market, it’s two completely different things.”


Photo: Umeå university

UBI Incubation Phase

Contact Information

Tvistevägen 48C<br /> 907 36 Umeå
Christer Malm
CEO Protest Diagnostics & Professor, Sports Medicine Unit at Umeå University